text cv grid time
visit project
Image of #MeToo Anti-Network, by Kim Albrecht, data visualization research


01/11/2020 – 25/11/2021

metaLAB (at) Harvard

In collaboration with Matthew Battles, Catherine D'Ignazio, Cole Martin

#MeToo Anti-Network

Cosmologists say that most of the universe is structured by antimatter. We postulate that social media is similarly structured by effects of the unobserved discourse and experience. The backbone of a movement such as #MeToo is not based on the most-liked and most-retweeted, but by the masses of unobserved tweets. Vast numbers of #MeToo tweets that had no retweets and no likes nonetheless constituted acts of quiet testimony or unassuming solidarity. Conventional measures of network science thus fail to capture the true relevance of #MeToo.


metaLAB (at) Harvard

11/10/2024 talk
Data Wise Talk 2024
University of Groningen

04/06/2024 talk
APIs as media
Brandenburgische Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften

21/07/2024 workshop
Dagstuhl Seminar 2024
Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics

23/04/2024 talk
Data as Material for Design Lecture
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

08/02/2024 talk
College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University
Northeastern University

14/11/2023 talk
Inaugural Lecture Film University
Film university Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University Faculty Associate

23/12/2022 writing
Situating #MeToo A Constructivist Perspective on Designing With Data
diid disegno industriale industrial design

08/06/2023 talk
Vladan Joler & Kim Albrecht at Loops UDK & TU Berlin
New Practice in Art and Technology

06/06/2023 talk
Talk at GEM 2023
Projektraum Drahnsdorf

23/05/2023 talk
Talk at City University London
City University London

15/05/2023 talk
University Bologna

24/04/2023 teaching
Harvard Knowledge Design Class 2023
Harvard University

02/03/2023 talk
Talk at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
City of Melbourne, Australia

17/11/2023 talk
Growing Virtuality Conference
Ruhr-University Bochum

13/10/2023 exhibition
Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin

30/09/2020 grant
#metoo Digital Media Collection Special Project Grants

16/10/2022 exhibition
IEEE VIS Arts Program, #MeToo Anti-Network
Oklahoma City

09/06/2022 exhibition
Weizenbaum Conference 2022: Practicing Sovereignty
Alte Münze, Berlin

09/12/2022 talk
4S Conference: Data De-Invisibilization: Visualizing the Dark Matter of Networks
Cholula, Mexico

22/08/2022 talk
Google Material Design, “The Future of Images”
Google Material Design

21/06/2022 talk
8th International Forum of Design as a Process

15/03/2022 media
Insight: #MeToo Anti-Network, analysing the unobserved side of social media data

25/11/2021 media
Slanted: #MeToo Anti-Network
Slanted Publishers

23/11/2021 talk
#MeToo Anti-Network Project Presentation
Schlesinger Library, Harvard University